
DeuxNola.com is designed to help you find the best museums, galleries, restaurants, shops, and music venues in New Orleans.

DeuxNola.com is a non-commercial website designed to help tourists and residents find the museums, galleries, restaurants, shops, tours, and fests that make the city unique. This site does not accept advertising revenues and all opinions expressed on the site are those of the review’s author. The site contains hundreds of links and users are encouraged to report any errors to the website operator at admin@DeuxNola.com. Additionally, the site encourages users to share their opinions and thoughts about the site’s listings at the same address.


DeuxNola.com exists because of special place New Orleans occupies in the American experience. New Orleans is big enough where the extraordinary is commonplace, small enough where the term “community” still has meaning. The city is filled with artists, chefs, musicians, and hundreds of workers who make visiting the Crescent City memorable. We believe visitors should br mindful of the following:


1) Airbnb/VRBO – please don’t. Short term rentals have destroyed the housing stock for residents of the city. Real estate prices have been distorted by the “goldrush” from these rental properties. Tourists are guests, residents are hosts, and rules of good behavior apply to everyone.
2) Tip Early/Tip Often – thousands of people base their livelihood on New Orleans visitors. They deserve to be treated with respect and to be compensated for their hard work. If you listen to or photograph street performers in the Quarter – tip them! If you get great service or smiles from servers, hotel staff, car drivers – make their day! They are there to help you make memories from your stay in the Crescent City.


3) This site does not “Deux” Voodoo, swamp tours, nor plantations with the exception of Whitney Plantation in Edgard, LA. (An hour drive from the city.)  The Whitney is dedicated to telling the history of slavery at a Louisiana sugar plantation. It is not an easy visit but it is an essential visit.
4) Explore beyond the Quarter. New Orleans is so much more than the blocks laid out by the French. Visit a local museum, visit a small black-owned business, ride the streetcar all day and wander the neighborhoods. Listen to live music and find out what’s playing today at the Livewire Music Calendar from WWOZ. WWOZ is a volunteer operated music station that has been serving the community for over 40 years. The station plays all genres of music and on the odd-hours, the LiveWire streams the day’s music happenings.


5) Bring your children to New Orleans. Not often thought of as a place for kids, New Orleans offers lots for families. The Audubon Zoo, the Audubon Aquarium, Vue New Orleans, the Besthoff Sculpture Garden, the bike and pond rentals around the lake in City Park, the weekend amusement park in City Park, the Audubon Insectarium, and for families with older children – the World War II Museum all offer full days of tourist activities. Use our Kid-Friendly tag to search out these events.


6) Immerse yourself in the city’s History. New Orleans recently celebrated its 300th birthday. A visit to Bayou Road (Froot, Addis Ethiopian Restaurant, or Community Book Center) will bring you to an area used by the indigenous  where trading posts were operated before the European presence. The French Quarter is based on a city layout designed around 1721 by two French architects. Levees, iron railings, buildings, and more were built by the enslaved. As a result of fires and architects, the Quarter’s architecture derives largely from the Spanish who claimed the city from 1762 to 1803. Even street names and neighborhoods are derived from the city’s history.


For more information or if you have comments, write us at admin@DeuxNola.com.
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